Market your Eventgroove events to contacts with our list manager! It’s designed to make sending personalized email invitations and direct mail postcards to contacts seamless and easy. Using the list manager, you can upload a CSV file of contacts and group them so that you can better manage your marketing efforts.
For example, if there’s a section of folks to whom you’d like to send direct mail postcards, you’d simply access that particular list—just export the addresses from that specific list into our print-on-demand product system, and your contact’s names and addresses will populate. All you have to do is customize your chosen direct mail postcard template with event details.
The other way our list manager makes your life easier is email invitations. It integrates in seconds with our email service—you’ll be inviting guests via email in no time!
We’ve illustrated how to take advantage of our list manager feature below, or you can watch our how-to video here. Questions? We’re always happy to help! Call 888-509-1060 or reach out to our team.
1. Sign in
Sign into your Eventgroove account, select an event, then select List Manager in the left menu.
2. Upload CSV File
3. Map Headers
Note: the import may take some time. You will receive an email when the import is complete.
4. Contacts
5. Add To Tag
6. Add To List
What can you do with your lists?
Once you have lists within the List Manager, you have a couple options. First, you can export your lists to the Products system to send postcard mailers. The addresses from your list will be pre-populated in the address area of your postcards so all you have to do is customize the design. We’ll print and mail them for you. The second option is to send email invitations to invite guests to your events. We’ll show you how to do both below.
7. Export List
8. Design & Order
9. Link List Manager
If you want to send emails using your lists, you’ll need to connect the list manager to our email service. To do this, go to Integrations in the left menu. Scroll down to Eventgroove List Manager, and click ‘Set Up Access to My Account’.
10. Email Invitations
Once your account is connected, you can start sending emails. To get started, go to your events, select an event, then select Email Invites in the left menu. After you’ve customized your email, scroll down to ‘Add New Invitee Email Addresses’, and select option 3: Invite contacts from the List Manager service. Select your list, and click send.
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